Diversity beyond checklists:
empowering leaders

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I empower all people to realise the greatness within themselves and help them to become effective leaders.

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About me

We all go through hardships. Sometimes we let them define who we are. But that doesn’t mean they should define your career.

In 2016, I went through a period of depression. I believed that because of this, my career would be jeopardised, as I knew no one working at C-level going through the same trials. I thought my struggles would disqualify me from leadership.

But I proved myself wrong. People don’t always recognise the greatness in themselves and it took me sharing my story with others, and accepting help when needed, to build my own confidence.

I want to help you see the invisible diversity all around us, to understand the value of a diverse workforce and to recognise the leadership potential in everyone. 

What we have been through shapes who we are. What we have been through gives us power to realise what we can become.


What I do


I will help you get the most out of your people. Unfortunately, some organisations consider diversity a tick-box exercise: something to do for compliance. But this doesn’t really get to the core of what diversity is actually about - unlocking the potential of your entire team through understanding their unique needs and values.

People come first. If people come first, the numbers will follow.


Inside everyone is a leader. You might not be aware of it or perhaps you don’t feel worthy of it. I believe we all deserve the skills that allow us to be confident in our own abilities and to develop into exceptional leaders.

Whether you are looking for one-to-one mentoring or just want to join Adullam’s Cave, I want to help you unleash the leader within.  



For the past 2 years, I have been telling my story at conferences and events all over the globe.

Everywhere in the world that I have spoken, there is one universal truth: everyone wins when we embrace diversity and unlock our inner leaders. 

I want to inspire the audience at your next event to embrace the full diversity and leadership potential of their colleagues and staff, in order to retain the right people, increase morale and have a far more productive workforce.

Why I do it

I didn’t always consider myself to be a leader. I even used to believe that someone like me, who had struggled with depression and was neuro-diverse, made me incapable of being a leader. 

I would put myself in a box. I didn’t believe I could go far because I thought my own mental health issues would hold me back. I believed the lie of perfection and thought I didn’t measure up to the great people I saw around me.

I was wrong. People don’t always recognise the greatness in themselves and it took me sharing my story with others to build my own confidence.

I can now celebrate that I am a great leader. I don't have to wait for someone else to give me the badge. I can wear it with pride. Other people deserve the chance to become great leaders too.

I want to help other people recognise the greatness within themselves and become confident, ambitious leaders.



Contact me


Looking for more information? Read about my services here